International thinkers, politicians and business leaders will debate and share experiences to find solutions for a sustainable future.
Best of all, you are invited to join this amazing digital conference!
The international SDG conference will take place online on the 30th September 2020. The event is arranged in close cooperation with the U4SSC implementation programme.
The event is in English with and includes keynotes, panel discussions, digital expo and networking on a tailor-made digital platform!
Decision makers from national authorities, businesses, professors, entrepreneurs, organisations and international thinkers will join us to share and discuss how we should develop our society.
YOU are invited to listen, discuss and network.
Overview on speakers and contributors further down.

Seminar on sustainability in the public sector
The 01. October KS has a digital seminar on sustainability in the public sector. KS is the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities and is the organisation for all local governments in Norway. KS is Norway’s largest public employer organisation. For registration and more information on their event CLICK HERE
The program for The International SDG Conference is official!
Register in our digital platform today to start exploring, networking and preparing for the event. Digital expo, conference, chats and videomeetings are all waiting for you. Participation is of course FREE and open for everyone.
Eva Vinje Aurdal (Mayor of Ålesund)
Gjermund Kvernmo Langset (CEO The North West)
Opening speech
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway
Sustainabiligy in a local, national and global perspective
Nikolai Astrup, Minister of the State, Norway
Dr. Chaesub Lee, Director ITU
Kari Aina Eik, Secretary General OiER / Head of U4SSC-IP
Morten Wolden, Chief Excecutive Trondheim City
Marielle Furnes Mannseth, Director General Ålesund futurelab U4SSC ip
Funding sustainability (keynotes)
Dr. Barbara Kolm, VP Austria National Bank
Dr. Nadine Kuhla Von Bergmann, Founder Creative Climate Cities
Funding Sustainability (panel discussion)
Kari Aina Eik, Secretary General OiER / Head of U4SSC-IP (moderator)
Heidi Nakken, State Secretary Norway
Thina Saltvedt, Sustainability analyst NORDEA
Elisabeth Holvik, Chief economist Sparebank1
Establishing the blue economy (keynotes)
Jan-Gunnar Winther, Director the center of the ocean and the arctic
Kolbjørn Giskeødegård, Founder and CFO Columbi Salmon
Establishing the blue economy (panel discussion)
Birgit Liodden, founder TOOL (moderator)
Einar Vik Arset, Director The Norwegian Coastal Administration
Kolbjørn Giskeødegård, Founder and CFO Columbi Salmon
Roger Hofseth, CEO Hofseth International
Pia Meling, VP Sales and Marketing Massterly
Augment City
Joel Mills, CEO Offshore Simulatore Center / Augment City
Energy, technology and digitalisation (keynotes)
Per Christian Honningsvåg, Director WW Power and Utilities Microsoft
Steinar Sønsteby, CEO ATEA
Energy, technology and digitalisation (panel discussion)
Kine Norheim, CEO NeXT Digital (moderator)
Steinar Sønsteby, CEO ATEA
Erik Espeset, CEO TAFJORD
David Hansen, Public Sector Manager Microsoft Norge
Corporate Sustainability
Bjørn Kjærand Haugland, CEO SKIFTE
Mari Sundli Tveit, Political director NHO
Annik Magerholm Fet, Dr. prof. and Vice Rector NTNU
The Road Ahead
Kim Gabrielli, Director UN Global Compact Norge