Organisation for international Economic Relations
Opernring 17
Phone: +43 1 532 22 66
Fax: +43 1 533 84 84-99
Organization for international Economic Relations (OiER); legal status of an organizationwithin the meaning of the Federal Law on the Granting of Privileges to Non-Governmental Organisation.
The Organization for international Economic Relations (OiER) was granted the status of an organization within the meaning of the Federal Law on the Granting of Privileges to Non-Governmental Organisation, Federal Lwa Gazette No. 174/1992 as ambended, by decree oft he Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs No. BMeiA-N9.8.19.12/0011-1.22013 of March 2014.
The Federal Ministry of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs herewith confirms that this decree is still in effect and that therefore OiER enjoys the legal status of a Non-Governmental Organization within the meaning of the Federal Law on the Granting of Privileges to Non-Governmental Organisations.
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